Theoretical short courses

Theoretical short course will take place in Ukraine and Republic of Kosovo. Course will be held by experience lecturers from AGH-UST (Poland) and UiT (Norway) and will be based on Guidelines created in 2018. Guidelines will include various innovative methods for mineral deposit exploration. Theoretical short course will try to explain methodology and their usage

in exploration. Especially the types of deposits occurring in the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Kosovo and Ukraine will be considered.

Theoretical short course topics

There will be two editions of courses: in Republic of Kosovo which will take place around end of March 2019 and edition in Ukraine which will take place in April 2019. Duration of course will be 7 days in which 4 days will be lectures and 3 days field trips organised by consulting company in mining and metallurgical sector – Proxis.

Course is free for students of Universities from Republic of Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ukraine.

  • Reconnaissance Exploration
  • Remote Sensing: Landsat, Photogeology/drons.
  • Geophysical methods: Airbone survey, Magnetic survey, Gravity survey, Resistivity, Seismic methods.
  • Structural geology: Field studies, Microtectonics.
  • Mineralogical, petrological and geochemical approach: Sampling and samples preparation, petrography: transmitted and reflected light microscopy, Scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Short-wavelength infrared spectroscopy, Sequential extraction technique, Lithogeochemistry (XRF, ICP-MS, ICP-OES), Fluid and melt inclusion studies, (microthermometry, Raman spectroscopy,  LA-ICP-MS), Stable isotope studies (dD, d13C, d18O, d34S).
  • Data processing and evaluation
Time of the course: 
  • Republic of Kosovo – end of March 2019
  • Ukraine – April 2019

Course duration: 1 week (4 days lectures + 3 days field trips)

Place: Republic of Kosovo, Ukraine

Maximum number of participants: 20

  • affiliation with University from country: Republic of Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina or Ukraine
  • very good english

All costs of travel and accommodation will be incurred by Project.

The theoretical part of the course ”Guidelines on modern geological exploration and innovative methodologies” was given in September 2019 at the Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine. A subjects of the lectures concerned regional geology, geophysics, ore deposits and their classifications, mineral resources and ore reserves. The main part of the course introduced the participants to fundamental geophysical and geochemical methods applied to ore deposits exploration. During four days of lectures, the special focus was given to provide information on innovative techniques and methods of investigation relevant for mineral prospecting. Also, significance of structural geology in mineral exploration was explained to the participants. After a theoretical part of the course, the participants attended field classes in Zelena Mohyla pegmatite site, garnet-ilmenite sands Novopetrivka deposit, Surozka (algoma type BIF) deposit and Krutka Balka pegmatite, practising the obtained knowledge and developing new skills.
The participants of the course were from Bachelor and Master programs at the University of Mitrovica as well as experts from Geological Survey of Kosovo.
The course introduced the participants to fundamental geochemical and geophysical methods relevant for exploration and exploitation in Kosovo. The special focus was given to podiform chromite deposits, carbonate-hosted base-metal hydrothermal deposits and weathering-derived magnesite deposits. After 4 days of lectures and classroom exercises, the participants spent two days in the field with the aim to apply the obtained knowledge and skills in exploration of carbonate-hosted base-metal hydrothermal deposits in the Trepca area and weathering-derived magnesite deposits in the Golesh magnesite deposit.

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